Artist G.Prabhakar had conducted one man shows in Madras in 1963, New York in 1977, Hotel Chola Sherton in 1992 and six times at LKA Greams Road in 1983, 1994, 1999, 2000 2004 and in 2009. He had participated in the International Poster Competition for Peace and Humanity against Nuclear War in the year 1985 and in the Mahatma Gandhi Birthday Centenary Exhibition in the years 1988, 1990, 2003, 2004 and 2005. He also took part in the Hindustan Annual Cartoon Contest and secured the Second, Third and Consolation prizes in 1988, 1989, 1993, 1996, 1997 and in 1999.
G.Prabhakar has many awards to his credit. He was awarded first prize in Calligraphy contest in Bible Verse Indian Christian Art Association in the year 1988 and he secured second prize in a Poster Competition on Central Pollution Control in July 1991.
G.Prabhakar was awarded Special prize for the outstanding artist by Very Special Indian Art, New Delhi in 1995, 1997 and 1998. He was also awarded first prize in an International Poster Contest in the year 1997 and a certificate if Merit at the All India Poster Competition on AIDS Prevention in the year 1994. G.Prabhakar is the recipient of All India Iokmanya Tilak Art Exhibition held at Pune in the year 2005. He worked as a Professional Illustrator at M/s RK Swamy/ BBDO Advertising Ltd in Chennai from 1979 till 1999 and retired. G.Prabhakar told Chennai Plus that he works as a self employed co-ordinator for Visual Arts of the Deaf for cultures, art exhibitions and cultures fro the hearing impaired persona of all ages. G.Prabhakar resides at No-21/ 12, Dr. Nair Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17. He can be contacted on 9840216942.